I just finished up taking an after-school art course called something like "Art Methods to Use in the Content Area". What a blast! There ended up being a tribe of 12 women from various local area schools who taught in various content areas. I was one of 2 science teachers there. We had a lot of fun and a picked up a few interesting project ideas for future class projects. There were a few "ringers" in the class- Art teachers! who did amazing work and provided inspiration. Pictured is the last project we did called "glue-tage". It entailed building up layers of manila paper on cardboard then rolling paint over it and print making from that. Lots of messy fun was had! A woman by the name of Julia Healy was the instructor. She was a bundle of high voltage triple A energy! I so enjoyed my after school Wednesdays there. Mmmmm a good cup of coffee, lots of sharpie markers and a fun group of creative women- what a way to end a Wednesday! These free classes are one of the NICE things that happen with our tax dollars...

God Bless Ivan Baranov 1925-2010

The great Russian Bear has passed on.
God bless Ivan Baranov. Who among other things, was a French Foreign Legion Soldier, Butcher, Air France Chef and Chief Custodian. What an interesting life he led. But first and foremost, he was an artist. Thanks dad, for giving me my first set of jewelry making tools and all of those copper blanks! Ivan passed on March 5th.