I just finished up taking an after-school art course called something like "Art Methods to Use in the Content Area". What a blast! There ended up being a tribe of 12 women from various local area schools who taught in various content areas. I was one of 2 science teachers there. We had a lot of fun and a picked up a few interesting project ideas for future class projects. There were a few "ringers" in the class- Art teachers! who did amazing work and provided inspiration. Pictured is the last project we did called "glue-tage". It entailed building up layers of manila paper on cardboard then rolling paint over it and print making from that. Lots of messy fun was had! A woman by the name of Julia Healy was the instructor. She was a bundle of high voltage triple A energy! I so enjoyed my after school Wednesdays there. Mmmmm a good cup of coffee, lots of sharpie markers and a fun group of creative women- what a way to end a Wednesday! These free classes are one of the NICE things that happen with our tax dollars...

1 comment:

  1. Maureen, having been in class with you, I can only imagine how much fun YOU were to have as a classmate too! This sounds like it was a really wonderful program...and more power to you artsy science teachers!
